Module 10: Communication Between Mentor and Mentee


Practice active listening skills
Understand the concept of youth-centered mentoring

Key Points:

Healthy communication requires active listening skills. Active listening is about receiving information from the cadet and remaining non-judgmental and empathetic.  How can you be an active listener?

  • Give undivided attention! Find a time and place that allows you to focus on this cadet. Avoid mixing other obligations with this time and find a location that will not be distracting to either party.
  • Seek to understand!  When the cadet is sharing information, seek to understand. Ask more questions and try to withhold judgment.
  • “What I hear you saying is…” We all want to be understood. Show the cadet you are listening.
  • Non-verbals are powerful! 93% of communication is nonverbal.  Show the cadet you are listening with your body language, i.e. head nodding, arms unfolded and eye contact.

Developing a youth-centered relationship is about finding a cadet’s strengths. This is a fundamental shift away from focusing on a child’s ‘issues.’  With active listening skills and an emphasis on identifying your cadet’s strengths, your relationship will be off to a good start.


___ Review the Resources
___ Complete Activities
___ Complete the Module 10 Questions


PDF – Fairview Health Library: Active Listening Tip Sheet
Video – Active Listening Strategies: How to Be A Good Listener
Video – iSpeak Sales Discovery M.A.P. – Effective Listening


Reflect on the questions below. Save your responses to help you practice active listening approaches with your mentee.

  1. Identify three locations that would give you undivided time with your mentee.
  2. How can you learn more about the cadet’s strengths? Identify 1-2 questions you could ask to learn more about what they are good at or proud of.